Greenhill Grammar school, Oldham


Form 2C Report or the
Ballad of Rm. 17


This is our second year in the school and we have become used to the routine.  We have all become members of at least one society and we like to think that we take an active part in them.

Our form master is Mr. Hilton who takes us for English and Music and as you can guess from the sub-title we occupy the Music Room, Rm. 17.  I think I can safely say that the boys' favourite sport is football.  I can also say that they are 14 in number while the girls number 16, a very satisfactory result.

Whenever there are important exams on then we are the unfortunate ones who have to find a temporary new home, but we persevere.  To sum the report up I can say that we are satisfied with our form room and also with our form master.

A room 17ist.
(Carol Hartley).


3A Form Report


From our window we look upon a beautiful landscape.  To the right is the gas-works, to the left is the Star Corn Mill, and straight ahead are the parcel sheds of Central Station.

We have several monitors in the form elected by Mr. Bickerstaffe, our form master.  A few of the girls are trying their luck in the choir, for that nerve wracking day, Speech Day, and a majority of the class are in various societies.



3B Form Report


We take up our pen in the year of Grace 1960 and endeavour to write our form report.

Our form master is Mr. Hollos.  Our form room overlooks the Chemistry Lab. which is famous for its "Perfume from Paris" worth 9 guineas an ounce.  The girls are extremely healthy owing to the great quantities of FREE milk consumed.

Our talents are not wholly devoted to the humorous side of school life; we have quite a number of prizewinners in our midst.  Joan Schofield, Joyce Eastwood and Susan Smith are on the netball teams, and Keith Holt is on the Oldham Town Team. Seven of our boys are on the football team. These are Holt, Beach, Slack, Shaw, Pleasant, Schofield and Dobson, who is also a harrier of no mean repute.  The prizewinners are Joan Schofield - Domestic Science, and Joyce Eastwood - Physical Education.  Carol Harrison honoured us by coming first in the Junior Reading Competition.  The top of the form won the merit prize.  Five members have beautiful voices and are members of the choir, three are members of the Film Society and eight in the Historical Society.  Various other people are members of other societies.

And so, gentle reader, we bid thee farewell as the last drop of ink filters from our cheap pen.


3G Form Report


This year's 3G is taken from half of last year's 2G and and all last year's 2A girls except for one.  We also have a new girl from North Chadderton.

Our form teacher is Mrs. Kuler who also takes some of us for French.

Many of the girls are in the various societies, the most popular being the Scripture Union.

A new experience this year is splitting up into sets for Maths, and French, and also taking Chemistry, Biology and Physics instead of "General Science."