Greenhill Grammar school, Oldham



FolkFind+ uses the database of all references which we have on the site to compile a list of available data for any individual.

Thus, by entering Initial (of Surname) and then selecting the full Surname from the drop-down menu, and finally selecting the Full Name, one generates a full list of references, including School Potographs, Speech Day Programmes, entries in The Greenhillian, etc.

If the person selected appears in a panorama image, then a cameo taken from that image will be displayed below.

 Sur. InitialFull SurnameForename (Id)
Found : 0
Select a surname initial first, then full surname, then forename.
The data in this system has been compiled predominantly from photographs and documents posted on this site.

Logical assumption and/or informed judgement have been used in generating some entries. The 16,000+ entries have also been collated for presentation by automatic scripts. This process may have introduced anomalies not present in the original data format.

Where page numbers are cited in the data column, these are to allow the system to make direct links to that data in the various types of document file on the site. They will almost certainly differ from the numbers printed on the original pages due to the processing for presentation on the web.

We believe that the data is accurate enough for the purposes of this site i.e general interest and amateur genealogy. More serious researchers may wish to re-establish any data for themselves from the source quoted as part of each entry

Compiled by Keith Sudds
Collated Kevin Dronsfield
First posted March 2013