Greenhill Grammar school, Oldham

About the 1934 Panorama



The current image is a composite of two panoramas presented to the site at different times. The first was the property of Ida Tweedale and loaned to us for scanning to the site by Jerramy Sutcliffe, her son, in March 2007. It is marked on the reverse, presumably by Ida herself:-

1934 High School - VI Form Year - Ready for College entry at Lincon


Ida Tweedale (Later Sutcliffe)
Position 674 in the photo



The second photo used in the composite was provided by Maud Bradbury (née Collis) during 2011


The panorama has 544 people on it, compared to 420 & 470 in 57 / 62 respectively. The setting is also a little different to later years, the photo being taken before the woodwork room was built. The orientation of the arc is similar to later photos, but located in the space between the end of the science block and the Churchill St railings.

Maud had a very wide circle of friends associated with teaching in Oldham over many years and a good memory for names and faces from the period of the panorama. Unfortunately neither her (at the age of 90) or her friends had access to the internet and garnering this information was slow. The panorama has been fully indexed to take advantage of this pool of information but sadly Maud died suddenly before we could record much of her knowledge. Some names have been registered and cameos prepared, mainly for staff members, but the item is essentially unfinished as a repository for names.


1934 Panorama